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Personal Injury Law
At Haber Lawyers, we believe that experience and dedication generate quality work and the best possible outcome. Trust our lawyers to handle your file with absolute professionalism.
Slip And Fall Injuries
Occupier liability cases involve accidents that occur due to negligent maintenance, or reasonably unsafe or dangerous conditions upon property owned or occupied by someone other than the accident victim.
Severe Automobile Accident
Have you been in a car accident? Did you know that you may entitled to accident benefits (ABs) through your own car insurance company? This can include payments for medical rehabilitation such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychological treatment and more. Income replacement benefits, or IRB, can provide assistance for you if you find yourself unable to work as a result of your injuries.
Haber Lawyers can help you navigate this complicated system to maximize the benefits available to you to help in your recovery following a car accident.

The Brain Injury Association of Canada estimates that thousands of Canadians incur traumatic brain injuries each year, with the majority being young adults. Most will have a normal life expectancy but will require special care.

Vertebral And Spinal Cord Injuries
The largest number of spinal cord injuries in Canada occur in motor vehicle accidents. These injuries are generally due to trauma caused by a sudden blow or impact to the spine that fractures or dislocates the vertebrae.
Chronic Pain Injuries
Chronic pain brought on by the onset of traumatic injury can change one’s life dramatically. Even simple tasks like moving, sitting, standing or sleeping can become very difficult and cause a tremendous amount of pain.

Wrongful Death
Transport Canada notes that in 2017, there were 1,841 deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents. If your spouse, parent or child has died as a result of the negligence of another person or establishment, you may be able to claim damages under the Family Law Act for wrongful death.